Last article was about one of the newest games we'll have at Armour Con, so now let's talk about the oldest, shall we? Dungeons & Dragons needs no introduction, and we have a tradition of running Adventurer's League events since our first year. We're going to discuss what we've got on the tabletop to scratch your itch, and how you can make it even bigger and better!
Oh, Dungeons & Dragons, you've had quite the year, haven't you? It's been a bit of a roller coaster with OneD&D and a most amazing movie that has put a lot of eyes on the product. As usual, we have Adventurer's League running all weekend, bringing a mix of classics from years past, and continuing our tradition of Mist Hunters; if you've been to past Armour Con events, don't forget the character sheet for your supernatural investigator!
We want all the D&D players we can get this year! If you're new to D&D and have wanted to try it, or want to introduce a young'un to it, check out our D&D for Beginners game on Saturday. Otherwise our Friday, Saturday, and Sunday schedules all have D&D tables going throughout the day.
Now if you find yourself saying "Gosh, Armour Con News Master, I love D&D, but couldn't there be more?" well I'd say - emphatically - yes! Here's what everyone can do to see more at Armour Con 2023:
More D&D sessions? Get your badge, tell your friends to get their badges, and start filling up pre-reg for tables! If we have full tables before the con we'll add more!
MORE D&D sessions? Contact us! Volunteer! If you're an experienced DM ready to try the con experience, DM 2 sessions for us and you get a free Weekend Badge*. We also do giveaways for our DM team!
More not D&D sessions!? Contact us with your RPG you want to run! We'll make it happen! We want you, Game Masters, to load our roleplaying rooms with roleplaying!
Oh yeah, did we mention our D&D rooms are away from all the hustle and bustle? Private rooms, nice and cozy, for you to roleplay to your heart's content. Let it all out!
*What's the catch? The catch is if you DM 1 session for us, we'll give you a 1 Day Badge!